Tuesday 20 June 2017

When life stabbed a little girl !

When she walked along the roads of  a silent street, she had a pause to look back at her footprints along the way. She struggled to move on the empty path, like an hoary old man hobbling with his walkstick. As she wiped the diamond droplet rolling down her golden cheeks, she glanced at the dry flowers which were once blooming merrily with great rejoice. What did she go through? Was she denied? YES, she could no more make a war with the denials of her imperceptible world. She was merely an hob by horse in the merry go round where people got pleasure by stabbing at the back! Her suppressed dreams screamed the hell out from the prisoned wall of her heart. It was scarier than the colonized nightmared haunting frequently. When she tried to scape from this horror world, she was put down more n more..Her fierce aim to go high didnt let her stop the journey! At the denouement of the play, she didnt end up her war.. she is here fighting with the hodge-podge thoughts of what next! Her story continues to make wonders in the history !

- Sowmya

Saturday 17 June 2017

Dream love

As the silver sky showered the glitters over the land, they both walked along the long empty, silent road! When he moved his hands in the air and clasped her, she felt a rampageous  rush of hormones in her skinny body. She took a deep breath as she looked into his sparkling eyes. Millions of miscellaneous feelings gave her a zappy mirth. The rhymes of love drug made her woozy. A wreath from heaven fell around their shoulders and made them closer.. Trillions of riddles confused her mind as she felt the miraculous warmth of his body. His fragrance livened her deadly soul. She jumped to a bizzare world that colorized her dreams in a bitsy nanosecond. While they commuted their hearts, the silver sky clattered and the glitters were no more! She realized, it was just a dream of the two souls. Their cryptic love story continued as a puzzle where they could just dream! It was'nt the end.. The heaven had a seat reserved for them ! 

- Sowmya

A broken cup of love